Ryan Reynolds habla de Deadpool 3 y escenas postcreditos alternativas de “Deadpool 2”

Ryan Reynolds habla de Deadpool 3 y escenas postcreditos alternativas de “Deadpool 2” Ryan Reynolds habla de Deadpool 3 y escenas postcreditos alternativas de “Deadpool 2”

Muchos rumores han surgido estos últimos días con respecto a la franquicia de Deadpool y si veremos la película de “X-Force” algún día. 

Pero parece que todas esas ideas, tanto “Deadpool 3” como “X-Force”, siguen en desarrollo, así lo dejó saber Ryan Reynolds tras una función especial para llevar a “Deadpool 2” a los premios de la academia.

Después de la función de la cinta, el co-creador de Deadpool, Rob Liefeld, compartió un breve resumen de lo que se habló por medio de Instagram: 

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DEADPOOL Q&A Academy Screening! The Academy screening filled the legendary Zanuck Theater on the Fox lot last night. The place was at capacity and the sense I got was that many of these folks were seeing the film for the first time. My son turned to me after the first few roars of fresh laughter and said “Have these people really not seen this yet?” “Welcome to Hollywood, son.” I whispered back. Feels like some academy members may wait until screening season to catch up. Afterwards there was a spirited Q&A with Ryan and his co-writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Each of them are writers are on the film as well as producers. The big takeaways from the Q&A are as follows. 1) The purpose of Deadpool 2 was to find Wade a family and a sense of belonging amongst the dysfunctional X-Force, hence it being a “family” film. 2) Hiding the fate of X-Force was priority and they enjoyed the mis-direct created with the extra attention marketing provided by making them seem more important in the grand scheme. 3) THE CODA’S were shot after the film had been testing well and they were not glimpsed until the film’s release. 4) TIME TRAVEL can be tricky but they utilized it as a means of changing Vanessa’s fate, something they hotly debated given it could be seen as cowardly but ultimately felt served the characters the best. 5. Ryan shared that un-used CODA’S involved Deadpool peeing on ShatterStar’s grave, Peter showing up with a prosthetic arm and an entire new X-Force team auditioning. 6. DEADPOOL 3 – Ryan said there is no shortage of ideas for DP 3 and in fact Paul Wernick pitched him a fresh take in the lobby prior to the Q&A. Rhett commented that X-Force is brewing as well, very exciting. 7) The turnaround between the 1st and 2nd film was a brisk 12 months. I’d say they nailed it! Good news all around. Wishing the film and its award campaign the very best! #deadpool #marvel

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Ahora sabemos que de momento no tienen muchas ideas para Deadpool 3, pero aún así, después de la función Paul Wernick, escritor de la película, se llevó a Ryan a una habitación para poder hablar de varias ideas. 

Por otra parte, Rhett Reese, otro escritor de la película, confirmó que la película de “X-Force” sigue en desarrollo.

Además de todas estas declaraciones, Ryan Reynolds comentó sobre otras escenas post créditos descartadas del metraje final.

En donde veríamos escenas como: Deadpool orinando en la tumba de Shatterstar, Peter volviendo con un brazo mecánico y nuevas audiciones para el equipo. 

De momento parece que las aventuras del mercenario bocón llegarán más pronto de lo que pensamos, además de que tendremos a “Once Upon a Deadpool” en solo unos días:




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