[Special] 3%: Interview with Fernando Rubro

[Special] 3%: Interview with Fernando Rubro [Special] 3%: Interview with Fernando Rubro

We are back with our closing special of 3% where we are interviewing the protagonists. We all would like a friend like Xavier, loyal and unconditional always supported Michele until the end. This time we spoke with Fernando Rubro, the actor who played Xavier Toledo.

This 25-year-old young man born in the interior of the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo began his life in the artistic world through music at the age of 12 and theater was his hobby for years. One day he realized, after even graduating in advertising, that his true passion was acting and he made the decision to move to the capital of the state of Sao Paulo to dedicate professionally to teather. Although he already had experience in theater, he wondered what it would be like to participate in an audiovisual project and the opportunity was presented to him in 3%. That is why our interview begins by talking about how this opportunity presented itself.

How was the casting for Xavier? Have you already seen 3% before that?

In the first half of 2018 I received an email to do a self-tape (home video audition) for a series, but I didn't know yet what it was. I did the test and went to the second phase, that's when I discovered that it would be for 3%. At that moment the anxiety increased. In total there were four tests and the last one was on the set itself. I left there with a good feeling and two days later I received a positive response.
I had already marathoned both seasons and was looking forward to season three. And after a few months I was in it as a cast member.

Definitely a dream that many fans at some point have had, to be part of one of our favorite series. Now we move on to the experiences already within the project.

What did you like the most about having worked at 3%?

I think that the people. In 3% we end up becoming a family, there is a lot of respect, reciprocity, affection and love. The series goes beyond entertainment, it is a criticism, a reflection of this world in which we live. That the series has gone as far as it has gone is certainly a source of pride for me and for the Brazilian audiovisual market. There are many things that make me love this project.

What was the most difficult scene to shoot?

Certainly the shock test scene from episode 2 (season 4). They were days of physical and psychological preparation (hahaha). I confess that I was afraid of that scene, because it could turn out very well or very badly. I remember leaving the set exhausted and without a voice. The whole team focused on that scene, with all the affection and respecting the limits of the actors. That was essential for the scene to go well. In addition to clear, the brilliant direction of Daina Giannecchini.

Fernando and Xavier 

The actors over time develop some kind of relationship with their characters. It may be that they share some of its characteristics or that they are totally opposite in their way of being. This particular season Xavier had a critical role and that is why we delved further into Fernando's relationship with his character.

In terms of personality, do Fernando and Xavier share anything? Is there anything you admire about Xavier?

Xavier is intense in his emotions, his feelings are always visible. What I like the most about him is the ability to trust the best in people and believe that they can change. I believe in that too! Xavier was an apprenticeship, he taught me to have more resilience, patience and compassion.

What did you think when you found out that Xavier was going to be so important in this last season?

I was very happy and surprised. I didn't expect the character to grow that much. At the same time it increases responsibility and gives a certain fear. There were scenes that I considered the most difficult, like the shock test, the interview, the death of Michele ... So I worked a lot on that preparation. I am very happy with his evolution.

And although Xavier could not possibly be the same way if he were not Fernando, we would like to know if Fernando would have liked to be another character apart from Xavier.

If you had to choose a character other than Xavier, who would it be and why?

Marco. I think he's a complex character to do, he has a lot of layers and twists, the curve of emotions from him throughout the season is very interesting. And it would also be interesting to be an Álvares and be the opposite of the Toledo family.

Ironically, it must be remembered that Marco is the only Álvares who went to the process and did not pass it and Xavier is the only Toledo, who even without wanting to, approved the process.

In 3% World 

Unfortunately, as Fernando mentioned at the beginning, this Brazilian dystopia has much in common with our world today. That is why we cannot pass up the opportunity to speak on the subject and ask questions about hypothetical situations in that world.

Why do you think the other Latin American countries can be identified with 3%?

I think due to the fact of being a Brazilian dystopia. 3% shows the wealth that we have here in Brazil, it shows our diversity, our culture and our music and I think we have a lot in common with the countries of Latin America. I really like this exchange with other cultures and I think the series does that very well.

 If the Offshore was somewhere in Brazil where do you think it would be?

Perhaps not a specific place, but we can relate the Offshore to many aspects: the profit of those who are never satisfied with what they have; people who step over others to get what they want; the false sense of power.

If you had to create a test for The Process, what would it be?

I can't say, but I think some general knowledge and/or egocentric test. Sometimes power corrupts people, I'd like to try that.

 What is a fact is that if they had applied Fernando's egocentric test, André might not have gone to the Offshore and we would have missed out on a great villain, but our society is a clear reflection of that problem.

Future Projects

Finally we talk about Fernando’s future projects to be aware of where to look for him. 

What are your next projects? Do you have any other with Netflix?

With Netflix not yet, I hope to have something soon. In November I released my first feature film “A sogra perfeita” (The perfect mother-in-law in English), produced by Paris Filmes and directed by Cris D’Amato. I play Paulo Ricardo, one of Neide's sons, who is played by Cacau Protásio. My character is a gay lawyer who no longer lives with the family, he has his own life and is independent. A very good character, who comes to demystify a taboo and with whom people can identify. An excellent comedy that is enjoyed watching and with guaranteed laughter.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Fernando a little more and realizing that he is as excellent a person as his character. We will be aware of that Brazilian comedy and if it will be available in any way outside of Brazil to watch it.



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